Product Detail :
Conducting Detailed Topographical Survey, Investigation, Preparation of Designs Drawings and Construction of Distributary Canal Network comprising of Minors, Sub Minors and Laterals and Sub Laterals including Lining and Structures under Distributary no-32 offtaking at Ch.28.350 Km of Varahi Left Bank Canal to provide Irrigation Facility to 1353.31 Ha of Irrigable Command Area including construction of Under Tunnel, Troughs, Aqueducts, Railway Crossing and other CD works on TURN KEY basis.
Tender Detail : |
Conducting Detailed Topographical Survey, Investigation, Preparation of Designs Drawings and Construction of Distributary Canal Network comprising of Minors, Sub Minors and Laterals and Sub Laterals including Lining and Structures under Distributary no-32 offtaking at Ch.28.350 Km of Varahi Left Bank Canal to provide Irrigation Facility to 1353.31 Ha of Irrigable Command Area including construction of Under Tunnel, Troughs, Aqueducts, Railway Crossing and other CD works on TURN KEY basis.
General Conditions of Eligibility :
Technical Qualification Criteria :
1 : Past Experience : The intending bidder should have in last five years i.e., from 2019-20 to 2023-24 satisfactorily completed (at least 90% of the contract value) as a prime contractor at least one similar nature of work such as Open Canal distribution Network/ Lift irrigation Scheme with canal distribution network including lining and CD works such as Troughs, Aqueducts etc.,of value not less than 50% of the estimate value of amount put to tender i.e., Rs.15510.21 Lakhs. The Work done certificates obtained from the officer not below rank of Executive Engineer should be uploaded. The work done value of the previous year shall be updated to present price level of 2024-25 at 10% per annum. : Work Done Certificate 2 : Past Experience : The intending bidder should have executed following minimum quantity (80% of Total Requirement )of items in any one financial year in previous 5 financial years (i.e., from 2019-20 to 2023-24) for which the necessary certificates issued by officers not below the rank of Executive Engineer, shall be uploaded. 1. Open Canal Distribution Network/Lift canal distribution network comprising of Minors, Sub-Minors including structures like Troughs, Aqueducts, Road/Cart Track/Nala Crossings, Drops etc.-32.00KM. 2. Earth work Excavation in Soft Rock-357845.00 Cum. 3.CC Lining with Mechanical paver -7338.00 Sqm. 4.Above M25 Grade Cement Concrete-21330.00 Cum. 5.Embankment-214574.00 Cum. : Work Done Certificate 3 : Past Experience : Tenderers who meet the above specified minimum qualifying criteria, will only be qualified, if their available tender capacity is more than the total tender value. The available tender capacity will be calculated as under- Assessed available tender capacity -( AxNx1.5-B). Where, A-Maximum value of civil engineering works executed in any one year during the last five years (updated to 2024-25 price level) taking into account the completed as well as works in progress. N-Number of years prescribed for completion of the works for which tenders are invited. B-Value, at 2024-25price level, of existing commitments and on-going works to be completed during the next 24/12year (period of completion of the works for which Tender are invited) form the probable date of Award of this contract. Note- a) The statements showing the value of existing commitments and on-going works as well as the stipulated period of completion remaining for each of the works listed should be countersigned by the Employer in charge, not below the rank of an Executive Engineer or equivalent. : Others -- Tender Capacity 4 : Capabilities of Vendor : A copy of the valid Karnataka PWD Class-1/CPWD Class-I(Super) & above civil contractor registration certificate. : PWD Registration Certificate (Class I/II/III/IV) 5 : Capabilities of Vendor : A copy of the valid Employees Provident Fund (EPF) registration Certificate. : Valid EPF Certificate 6 : Capabilities of Vendor : The valid copy of GST Registration Certificate : GST Registration 7 : Capabilities of Vendor : Each Tenderer should further demonstrate (a)Availability by owning the following key and critical equipment for this work. The intending bidder / firm / company should furnish details of ownership of Machineries/Equipments etc., to an extent of more than 50% of the requirement and also should furnish copies of lease agreement of hiring of Machineries/Equipments etc., to be deployed for this work. i.Excavator Total-8 Nos, Own-4 Nos, Own/Lease-4 Nos. ii.Tipper Total-16 Nos, Own-8 Nos, Own/Lease-8 Nos. iii. Mechanised paver machine Total-2Nos, Own-1 No, Own/Lease-1 No. iv. Self loading Concrete mixer having capacity 4.0 Cum and above. Total-8Nos, Own-4Nos, Own/Lease-4 Nos. v. Vibratory Road roller Total-2 Nos, Own-1No, Own/Lease-1 No. And any other machineries required for the satisfactorily completion of the work within the scheduled period. : Others -- Machinery and Equipment. 8 : Capabilities of Vendor : Liquid assets and or availability of credit facilities of not less than Rs.3877.55 lakhs (3/24x31020.41) (Credit Lines/Letters of Credit/Certificates from Nationalized Banks) for meeting the fund requirement etc., The Contractor should upload necessary documents issued by the Nationalized banks as per prescribed formats enclosed as annexure-I in Section -3. : Line of Credit 9 : Capabilities of Vendor : GST declaration certificate is mandatory and shall be uploaded in the suggested format ANNEXURE -II as under : Others -- GST Declaration Certificate. 10 : Financial Status : Each tenderer must pay specified full E.M.D. in the e-procurement platform through any of the payment modes as:- a) Credit card b) Direct Debit c)National Electronic fund transfer (NEFT) d)Over the counter (OTC). Tenders without valid E.M.D. shall be rejected. : Others -- EMD PAYMENT |