Ref. No. : 80241125   
Disposable Medical - Surgical Items Tenders, Drug Tenders, Lab Equipment Tenders, Medicine Tenders, Other Medical Diagnosis Equipments Tenders, Pathology Equipments And Stores Tenders, reagent Tenders
Disposable Medical - Surgical Items Tenders, Drug Tenders, Lab Equipment Tenders, Medicine Tenders, Other Medical Diagnosis Equipments Tenders, Pathology Equipments And Stores Tenders, Reagent Tenders
Company Name : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Product Detail : Procurement of pac items for hod pathology at dduh, access ft3 assay 2 x50 det access improved, ft3 assay, access ft3 cals so-55, bes, access free t4 2 x 50 det, before, access free t4 cal so-55, be, access tsh (3 is) 2 x 100 det, be, access tsh (3 is) cals so-55, access tpo ab reagent kit, 2 x 50 it, access tpo ab cal kit so-55, be, be, be, access thebil 2 x 50 it, access thyroglobulin antibody ii calibrators, standard levels 50-55, be, be, access i-pth 2 x 50 det, be, access i-pth calibrator 50-55, be, access ferritin 2 x 50 det, be, access ferritin cals., b, access folate 2 x 50 determination, b, access folate calibrator 50-55, 8-, access b12 2x 50 det, b, access b12 cals, b, acci 55 25 oh vit d for use in acci ss 2 x 50 det, r, access 25 oh vitamin d for use on access, b, cals, access prolactin 2 x 50 det, access prolactin cals, access hlh 2 x 50 011, access hlh calibrator, and, access hish 2 x 50 det, access fsh calibrator, f, access testosterone reagent kit 2 x 50, access testosterone cal so 55, access progesterone 2 x 50 dft, access progesterone cal, access dheas 2 x 50 det, access dheas cals so-55, access ultrasensitive insulin, 2 x 50de, access insulin cal 50-55, access sensitive estradiol 2 x 50 t, access sensitive estradiol calibrator, access ov monitor rgnt pk 2 x 50 test, access ov monitor calirbrators, access afp 2 x 50 det, access afp cals so 56, access cea 2 x 50 tests, access cea calibrators, access gi monitor 2 x 50 det, access gi monitor cals so-55, access hybritech psa rgt kit, 2 x 50 it, access hybritech psa cal, access total bhcg 2 x 50 det, access t bhcg calibrators so-55, access contrad 70 1 x 1 litre, access sample cups 1000 x 2 ml, access system check soln 6 x 4 ml, access wash buffer ii 4 x 1950ml, access substrate 4 x 130 ml, aspirate probe cleaning kit, kit access 2 major pm with probe tip, access reaction vessels 16 x 98, waste bag 20/box.
Tender Detail : Notice Regarding the Procurement of Pac Items for Hod Pathology at Dduh
Product Note : Close Date : 17-06-2026 - Close Date : 17-06-2025 We have posted a tentative submission date. Please refer document for the closing date.
Tender Location : Delhi - India
Document Path : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Tender Closing Date : 17/06/2025 at 00:00 Hrs.
Address : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Sub-Industry/Industry : Health Services/Equipments - Non-financial Services   
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