Product Detail :
Auction sale of Block No.15, an area of 1110 SqFt* . All the piece and parcel of the property situated at Puducherry Registration District, Puducherry Sub Registration District, Puducherry Municipality, Puducherry Commune, Village No.40, Puducherry Revenue Village, Vanarapet, Govindachetty Thottam, 2nd Cross Street, as per Deed Ward-F, Block No.15, Town Survey No.46, Re Survey No.334/20, Cad No. 286, pt, Patta NO.165, presently as per settlement records, Ward-F, Block No. 15, Town Survey No.46/1, Re Survey No. 334/20pt, Cad No.286pt, Patta No. 165, the Brick Built Terraced House bearing Door No.6, on the eastern side of Plot No.21, Measuring East to West 20ft on North, 17ft on South, South to North 60ft, an area of 1110 SqFt. Boundaries North Second Cross Street East House in Western portion of Plot No.21 Of J.M.K.Durga Prasad West John Ravul Plot South Naraynan Plot.