Ref. No. : 74259144   
Company Name : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Product Detail : Restoration of Rain Damaged of Sub Divisional Office Building Ladrour.
Construction of Retaining Wall to Protect the Usb Divisional Office Building From Rd 12 to Rd 25.
Strengthening of Source of Lwss Badehar Under Jjm.
Construction of Wire Crate to Protect the Rcc Dyke From Rd 70 to 106.
Strengthening of Source of Lwss Badehar Under Jjm.
Construction of Wire Crate to Protect the Rcc Dyke From 15 to 70.
Providing Household Tap Connection By the Ministry of Jal Shakti “har Ghar Nal Se Jal “ Lwss Aman Kachoti and Ser Mahal.
Imp of Distribution System By Laying, Jointing & Testing of Gi Pipe.
Providing Household Tap Connection By the Ministry of Jal Shakti “har Ghar Nal Se Jal” Lwss Aman Kachoti and Ser Mahal.
Imp. of Distribution System By Laying, Jointing & Testing of G.i Pipe of Various Dia.
Product Note : Tender Value/EMD/Tender Fee/Submission/Opening dates are undefined in the Tender. For further details, you have to contact the Government Department or check Tender Document and Image File.
Tender Location : Himachal Pradesh - India
Tender Value : INR 448338
Tender EMD : INR 8970
Tender Document Fees : INR 250
Tender Closing Date : 2/09/2024 at 00:00 Hrs.
Tender Opening Date : 2/09/2024 at 00:00 Hrs.
Sub-Industry/Industry : Dam Work - Construction   
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